martedì 11 ottobre 2011

Credit card fraud St. Louis

credit card fraud St. Louis

Hit the 620 mark and you are considered Fair, 680 is good and anything above a 700 is great. At 700 or above you will be considered a prime borrower and should have no problem getting credit and the very best interest rates. Strangers all kinds of strangers are regularly looking at your credit scores, accessing your history, and forming pictures of your life. All they need is your social security number and that isnt hard credit card fraud St. Louis to get any more. Who are these people, credit card fraud St. Louis and why do they want to know your private business?

Looking at your financial life gives people an impression of you, and of how you conduct your life in general.

Of course, much of it is none of their business but its a fact. free credit report band contest A prospective employer looking at your credit report will see if youve been job-hopping or if you move from city to city with regularity. Because it costs time and money to train a new employee and they want people who will stay and work after they're trained. Theyll even know if youve changed spouses, because your credit report shows who shared responsibility for each debt. As for prospective mates it's very unromantic, credit card fraud St. Louis but when you tie your financial life to another's, it's good to know if it will hurt you or help you. three free credit report

Of course everyone who might extend credit to you wants to know if you're a good risk. But what about insurance companies, cell phone and cable companies, and satellite credit card fraud St. Louis providers? Apparently insurance companies have decided that you're more likely to file a claim if credit card fraud St. Louis your credit score is low. I don't know if that's true, or just an excuse to charge more.

Cell phone, cable, and satellite providers generally have money invested in getting you as a new customer credit card fraud St. Louis the "free" equipment and installation isn't free they figure it into your first year or so of service, so they want to know that you can and will continue to pay your monthly fees. act credit report Shouldn't you be looking at your free credit report? A Free Credit Report Could be Worth Thousands How can something free be worth thousands? Because your free credit report contains information that will affect every aspect of your life from where you live and what you drive, to the dollars you're able to put away for your child's college education.

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